Current KeyCard Deals.
Must show KeyCard to get Unlimited Use Deals or clip one-time use coupons from book.
Discounts off regular prices. Not valid on holidays or with other offers.
Palermo Pizza LOGO
Palermo Pizza
7730 20th Ave
Jenison, MI 49428
Phone: 616-457-1202

Unlimited Use Deals Everytime you show your Card

Pick up Special: FREE cheesy bread w/purchase of any 16" or larger pizza with 2 toppings or more.

One-Time Use Coupons in the Book

Greater Grand Rapids Book Coupons: 2 Coupons

1) Both Coupons valid for a FREE 12" 1 Topping Pizza with purchase of an 18" 3 topping or larger pizza. Valid anytime. Pick up only. No deliveries.